Wireless Communication: Feb 3 - Apr 27, Grades 7 - 10
The goal of this course is to use Amateur Radio as a vehicle to improve the quality of education by providing a curriculum focused on wireless communications. The project emphasizes integration of technology, math, science, geography, language skills and social responsibility within a global society.
Once the student has an understanding of the value of wireless technology, where it fits in today’s world and society, and some of the fundamentals of how it works, in other words once the student has achieved some level of wireless technology literacy…that is the time to encourage them to consider joining the fraternity of Amateur Radio and applying what they have learned.
Unit 1. Our World Without Radio (Wireless) Communications
Unit 2. Career Opportunities Involving Wireless Communications (Why do I need to know about this?)
Unit 3. Historical Review of Wireless Technology
Unit 4. The Definition of Communication (the big picture)
Unit 5. Communicating With Codes (symbols)- Morse, binary, ASCII, Braille, sign language
Unit 6. Basic Wireless Station Components
Unit 7. Wave Propagation (How does it get from here to there?)
Unit 8. Electronics Basics
Unit 9. Basic Electronics Building Blocks (how do those components work together?)
- Rectifier
- Oscillator
- Mixer
- Amplifier
- Filter
Unit 10. Input/Output Devices (human interaction with radios)
Unit 11. Order Out of Chaos, Rules and Governance of the Air Waves
Unit 12. Introduction to Ham Radio (where you can start)
3 months.
12 weekly classes 1 hr each.
Saturday 9:00AM - 10:00AM PST
Starting Sept 10 th
- Class schedule:
- Feb: 3, 10, 17, 24
- Mar: 2, 9, 16, 23
- Apr: 6, 13, 20, 27
- Easter holiday on Mar 30
- Class schedule: